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The Problem with Prosperity Teaching

The main problem with the prosperity teaching going on so prevalently in the churches today is that it leads to some major temptations that our hearts simply cannot overcome. Jesus did not have that temptation and, if we choose to follow Him, we won't either. Our priority needs to be to seek first the Kingdom of God THEN all these things will be added unto us. If we seek first the kingdom of prosperity, it is not likely that we'll want to be fully under the authority of God, willingly giving our lives to His service. It is just that simple. Jesus told the rich man, who wanted to make sure he was going to heaven, to do one more thing: sell everything and follow Him. The rich man could not do it because he was tied into his wealth to such a degree. It provided his security, his comfort, and his even his purpose.

Let's talk about security, comfort and purpose. Our wealth can give us the illusion of security. Indeed, so can the pseudo-wealth that insurance provides. We are less likely to fully depend on God when simply opening our wallets or making a claim can fix our situation. The Word says we should love the Lord our God with ALL of our hearts, souls and minds. I read this to mean we should be FULLY dependent on Him. Our wealth can give us comfort. This is obvious. We can buy any and everything this world has to offer (which is incredibly varied, meeting just about every need you can think of) and not have to give a second thought to most any physical discomfort we might have. How lovely, you might say. But God does not ask us to make physical comfort in this world our priority. He asks us to seek Him and then He will provide spiritual comfort and the strength to endure. None of Jesus' disciples had, in the long run, a comfortable life--free from pain and suffering. None of them. When Jesus says, "Are you going to leave Me," (to obtain a stash of cash)? Our response should be similar to Peter's when many were abandoning Him because He was asking people to eat His body and drink His blood. We, too, should say, "Where would we go? Only You offer us the Kingdom of God." And finally, what is our purpose? Would it be to hear God's voice and heed it? Prosperity tends to close our ears to God's voice. I'm sorry, but mammon is just plain too attractive to us on this earth. God does not want any of His children to miss hearing the Gospel. Therefore, He may have us go to places that having money would protect us from. So often, our desire for money leads us to accumulate more of it until that becomes our purpose. It is the carnal nature in each of us that this is so.

To sum up the ideas in the paragraph above, then: Satan's influence causes us to make this world our god. It will provide ALL of our needs to the extent that we listen only to his voice which says, "Get my mammon and allow the wonders of man to be your every help and answer your every concern and be the only security you ever need." Satan influences our thinking, as we reside here on this planet, by luring us with luxury and physical comforts, which can sheild us from being sensitive to God's call. God may ask us to venture into impoverished areas for His name's sake, but we might not hear that if we are dead set against being uncomfortable. In addition, Satan teaches us to strive for more, More, MORE but that inevitably satisfies us LESS, and Less and less. Therefore, I urge you not to strive for prosperity, but strive for God and venture where He would have you go, depending on Him all the way. Sell everything you have and allow Him to lead you. Should He have you accumulate lots of money, use it for His purposes only. Do not be tempted toward self-indulgence and the trappings of this life. Above all, do not accumulate huge storehouses of wealth and consider it personal gain. There should be no personal gain. Where your heart is, there is where your treasure is. Are you being a good steward with God's wealth? It is ALL His, you know.

If we make God number one in our lives, the fruit of that would be increased trust in Him, miracles in our relationships and even some supernatural signs and wonders. Is your whole mind set on being comfortable in this life? Prosperity can give you comfort, most decidedly. Does God want us to make our comfort such a high priority? I don't see that, in general, to be our calling.

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