Statement of Faith
Our ministry maintains the standard doctrines expressed in the word of God, the Holy Bible, and those basic doctrines generally accepted by most mainstream churches. We start with the cornerstone of our faith: Jesus Christ is the only name by which man can be saved from sin and its eternal punishment.
Jesus Christ was the Messiah whom God had promised to his people, Israel, the Jews. He was born of a virgin, fulfilled all of the prophesies of the Old Testament, the ancient, sacred writings of God's chosen people. We believe Jesus was not under the sin nature of Adam, due to the virgin birth, and we also believe that His life was lived in absolute sinlessness. We believe that he suffered and died by crucifixion and was raised to life on the third day. He was and is the spotless Lamb, the ultimate and final sacrifice for the sins of mankind, able to absolve every sin of the human race. No other mediator between man and God is needed. We believe that everything in the Old Testament speaks of, and points to the Savior, which is Jesus Christ. We believe that the blood of Jesus cleanses, heals, saves, delivers, and will one day resurrect all who receive Him as their Lord and Savior. We believe He is returning again and that we are in the final days before His return. We believe He will come to save the Holy Remnant of His people and will take the dead in Christ and then those who remain will also be taken up into the heavens. At the end of this age, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Then there will be a great judgment of souls and those who rejected Christ will be cast into an eternal lake of fire, where there will be suffering and torment, weeping and gnashing of teeth. Those who received Jesus Christ will be allowed to enter into the rest, joy and eternal presence of God. We believe Christ will then establish a new Heaven and a new Earth, where He will rule and reign.
We have our own beliefs concerning water baptism i.e.: immersion versus sprinkling, and we also have our own beliefs concerning the taking of communion. Rather than explain what we believe on these matters and why, let us say that we prefer not to state it here because there are so many different beliefs among the body of Christ on these, depending on the denomination in which the believer is trained. Therefore, for the sake of unity in the Body of Christ, we would like to refrain from issuing edicts on these. We would rather leave these to the believer and God to determine. We only ask the believer to seek the Lord's will with all their hearts on these matters, and let God direct them. We believe all seekers of truth will be led by the Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and His Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. (We will be happy to tell you our personal beliefs on communion and baptism, upon request, or you will likely find these stated elsewhere on our site. We make no attempt to hide them, we just don't see the benefit of getting into dispute on issues we feel are divisive to the Body of Christ.)
We believe the Bible is the living and inerrant Word of God. If there appears to be any error, it is due to wrong interpretation and lack of understanding, on the part of mortal men. Scripture may be approached in various ways. We feel it can be interpreted typographically, allegorically, literally, etc.; however, one should use a variety of resources as well as Hebrew and Greek dictionaries and concordances, as well as prayer, in order to avoid interpretations that are foreign to basic Christian understanding, or taken out of context, particularly for the new convert, who is unfamiliar with the scriptures. We believe the modern churches are a far cry from the intention Christ had for His Church and that much of what is done today is either worldly, carnal, or of pagan origin and should be repented of.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ and we accept the Trinity as the explanation for the three-in-one Godhead that is comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the miracles reported in the Word and we believe that God performs miracles today, as well. Every member of the Body of Christ will understand that there are no coincidences, in this world that is out from the ultimate control of our sovereign and Almighty God. Therefore, always loving and trusting the Lord, we expect to receive supernatural help for all situations we may face. God's extraordinary help is the rule, not the exception, and we want all believers to gently and tenderly encourage one another in this. However, we caution believers not to get caught up in seeking manifestations or miracles for their own merit because this makes it too easy for the enemy of our souls, Satan, to deceive. It also opens the door to witchcraft and charlatans performing for selfish gain.
We do believe that the Church, as a whole, should practice all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, though individual members of the Body will vary in the gifts they have or haven't received. We believe in the often controversial gift of tongues as a valid gift as well, as long as it is done orderly, as was carefully laid out by the Apostle, Paul. We must be very careful to not accuse that which is done by the Holy Spirit to be of Satan. We do feel that the Christian needs to pray for and exercise discernment, however, as there are sometimes false manifestations of gifts, in the modern Church. It is most important, in our opinion, to manifest the greatest gift, that of love. We feel that love is far more valuable to the Body, than anything else. Therefore, we urge all Christians to practice their gifts carefully, so as not to cause a brother or sister to stumble, nor should members of the Body enter into dispute on this matter. There is no substitute for humbly coming before the Lord, as a child to his father, pleading for clarity on any issue you might have with the beliefs or practices of another brother or sister in Christ. The main thing our Father wants of His children is to love one another and to care tenderly for one another. This is so much more important than anything else. Let those who have power in the Holy Spirit and Jesus' name, practice that power. Let those who don't, enjoy the love from the rest of the Body. For we all are different parts of the body, with different functions. Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not prizes to be flaunted before other brethren, but treasures to be cherished humbly. Love one another. Be careful not to harm a brother or sister who does not understand.
Doctrines can be idols in our hearts. We will have no other god before the one true God. His Son has given us two commands: Love the Lord you God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. Make these your priorities. Measure all differences with this standard and we surely can't go wrong. Let those who are strong be strong and help those who are weak. Are you not gentle with the frail and afflicted? If you think a brother or sister is weak, love them, nurture them. Patiently endure them. Bear the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, and endurance. Love is patient, love is kind, love does not take into account a wrong suffered, love hopes in all things, believes all things, suffers all things, love is not boastful, or prideful, love never fails. Let this be the doctrine that matters most to you. This is what matters most to us and we believe, to God.
We believe that God is in the process of overhauling His Church. This world is full of all sorts of churches that were fashioned by men and operate in carnality, focusing on practices that are worldly and /or pagan in origin. We believe that God will reform those who are eager to hear Him, do His will and become a part of the one, true-- and truly unified, Bride of Christ. These members of the true Body will operate in love, faith, holiness, and uncompromising truth.
If you are unsure what this means, don't let your heart be troubled. No man sees everything from God's perspective, therefore take all matters before His throne and wait until He instructs you. Let nothing be done from a spirit of self-righteousness or pride. Also, let no one manipulate, nor be manipulated into agreement, but let God be God, and Jesus be Lord, in every person's life and heart. Prayer is the best way to reach those who are in opposition.
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